Login as a User to the Phone.com Integration Server
As a Phone.com user with Zoho integration, you might need to change some of your personal integration settings and options. This User Guide will show you where and how to access and change your own Integration Server settings.
Each CRM user can change its own settings, such as the Click2Call extension, by accessing the User Integration Admin UI page or Phone.com User Integration Server.
When you use the click to call functionality, you will get a call to the selected click to call extension. Once you pick up the phone, the call to the requested number will be placed. If you have multiple extensions make sure to select the correct one. IMPORTANT: You must first enable Click to Call.
Example: 500
Any phone number that is uniquely associated with you will help us know that an incoming call is relevant to your extension. It could / should include:
Example: 500, 501, 222, (212) 555-7777
Before you can make any changes to your settings you need to login:
Your Zoho Integration could be set up so that you are using your company’s Phone.com account and therefore inherit the access token of the organization. Alternatively, you may use your personal or a different Phone.com account and can use a different access token for that other Phone.com account.
NOTE: You must obtain this from Phone.com.