9 Tips to Streamline Your Phone Menu For Callers

Woman working on a mobile phone.














To menu or not to menu? That is the question. But not really. If you’re a business with a business phone number, you’ll want to make sure your VoIP menu is set up for success.

What’s great about the phone menu is it’s completely customizable, so you control how much or how little options you give customers when they call into your company. It all depends on your customer base or potential new business, so do your due diligence and get that research done prior.

In the meantime, we’ve put together some tips to get you headed in the right direction:


9. Have trained customer service reps or agents at the ready.

It goes without saying, but your people need to be ready to tackle any question once the caller reaches the menu. There’s nothing more frustrating for someone looking to get help. Make sure they are not only experts in their skillset but also in their hospitality mindset.

8. Don’t block the exit.

Automation is great, but to a point. You have to cater to both preferences. Some of your demographic will simply want to talk to a human. If they’re caught in an endless loop of pressing buttons and greetings, you might just lose their business. Make certain they have an opt out button.

7. Use people-speak.

Talk to your customers like you’d talk to someone who is unfamiliar with your business and wants to be educated. There can’t be any cumbersome jargon or complicated language that with further complicate the process.

6. Hire voice over professionals.

Robotic voice technology has come a long way, sure, but it’s still a robot. Hiring voice professionals give your phone menu the polish and warmth and personality that will make all the difference.

5. Think about your brand.

In tandem with the pro voice over artists, it’s best to develop a clear image for your customers that stands up to your brand guidelines. Your company’s personality should be crystal clear, even in something as a phone menu.

4. Hire a subject matter expert.

If you’re having trouble in your phone menu design, especially when it comes to linguistics, it’s best to hire someone skilled in the matter. You’ll instantly see a difference in both your language and how the menu is structured, leading to better completion rates and happier customers.

3. Don’t make them work too hard.

Chances are a lot of your callers are reaching out because they have issues. A surefire way to get them angrier is making a long, drawn own phone menu with a myriad of options and many levels. Keep it to two or three levels at maximum.

2. Listen to your own messages.

Put yourself in your customer’s shoes, er, ears…This isn’t a set it and forget it type of service. You need to make sure it works and works well. So take a listen. Are you annoyed by what you’ve set up? Go through all your options, take out what’s unnecessary, add what’s missing, make sure it sounds good.

1. Keep it simple.

At the end of the day, you want to help your customers solve their problems or get new business. So keep it simple. There is no need to have people waiting six or seven minutes pressing buttons before they speak to a real person or figure out their past due amount. Your IVR menu should be a smoothly run machine. Personable, easy to use, without too many options for people to get lost in the maze. Tailor it to your audience, make it sound great, and make sure it’s easy.

